My Crazy Family

My Crazy Family
photo taken by Reno Morgan

Wednesday, September 30, 2009

10 weeks to go!

(Thank you, Kate!)

Definitely can tell I"m pregnant with a girl now...Puffy face Haha!
Pregnancy is going well! I'm uncomfortable with two pinched nerves, but I deal with it just fine. It's just temporary (hopefully). Besides that and being fat, I am having a very uneventful pregnancy. At least now you can tell I'm pregnant, so instead of having the ones who are afraid to ask me if I'm pregnant because they're not sure if I just have extra baby weight from the baby I"m holding, I now get the "You will have your hands full" comments. People are funny. I just tell them that I will enjoy the ride!

Tuesday, September 29, 2009

Family Pictures!

This weekend was a little rough. Mark got sick on Wednesday evening and ran a fever until the weekend. Lily caught his virus and was under the weather herself throughout the weekend. We had pictures scheduled on Sunday and both kids seemed to be o.k. at this time, but you can see in their little eyes that they are just not feeling their best :) Thanks to Kate for taking fabulous pictures though!

Monday, September 21, 2009

Rockband Family

We got Beatles Rockband this weekend along with Wii Resort and had a blast playing it. Yesterday was a great family fun game day and the kids had fun playing their favorite Beatles hit. I'll have to get a video of it!

The other Halloween costume

This costume is SO adorable, but still a little big, will be perfect for next year!

Wednesday, September 16, 2009

Mark's Halloween Costume

Daddy bought this yesterday. Also bought one for next year, but it's a little too big for this year.

Tuesday, September 15, 2009

Monday Birthday Party...

We went to a "Spa" Birthday party yesterday. Lily was unsure at first and really didn't want to know she's my tomboy, but she got right in there when she saw her friends and actually let them paint her fingernails! By the end of the evening she was having SO much fun! She even made a comment about having her birthday party there. This is why we try new things! Haha!

Monday, September 14, 2009

Fun Weekend!

Friday was a great night! We had dinner with Grandma Judy and spent time over there.
Saturday was also a lot of fun. Found out that the flu shot is not available for pregnant women at the minute clinic yet, but Jim was able to get his flu shot. After the shots, we got dinner and went to the drive-in with our friends. Great fun!
Sunday was also a super fun day. We went to church and then went to Alex's birthday party.

I wish I more pictures, but I couldn't find the camera batteries!
Here is a picture of the Birthday Group...

And one of Mark & Daddy going down a slide...

Tuesday, September 8, 2009

On the Mend...

Well I'm finally on the mend from my week long sickness. My upper respiratory infection turned into walking pneumonia and I started finally feeling better Sunday morning.

Mark and Lily are doing super! And so is Bebe Girl :) Next week I'll be in my 3rd trimester. Wow!

I hope everyone is doing well and look for new posts coming soon!

Tuesday, September 1, 2009


I'm sure you've noticed a few changes to the blog. It appears as though some blogger template websites are infected, so I deleted all possible threats and stuck to the good ole standard template.