Happy Tuesday!
What's going on Today? Well, Lily had to get two teeth pulled and one filled this morning putting us at the dentist for roughly 2 1/2 hours. She is home now eating some Ramen noodles and watching Spongebob. She did really well.
Mark is at the daycare, happy as ever. He turned 17 months old on Friday. He is as rambunctious as ever. He is babbling a whole lot and has great motor skills.
Today is Jim's Birthday! Happy Birthday! We celebrated with Jim & Reno at Red Robin (Yum!) on Saturday and tonight we'll be going to his favorite restaurant, Omni Hut. We only frequent that restaurant on his birthday, so he is really excited. Judy will be joining us there.
I have my 30 week appointment on Thursday. I've been having lots of contractions since last week, so we'll see what she says about that. It seems like the more kids you have, the sooner things start happening. Either that or the fact that I haven't known I was pregnant for very long. Bebe is kicking away. She can now reach my rib cage and has lots of fun there. I can't complain though! 9 weeks left!
I'm going to try to get a Halloween picture taken and out in the mail next week.