My Crazy Family

My Crazy Family
photo taken by Reno Morgan

Friday, April 30, 2010

Mad Face

To set the stage...I just turned off the TV so I could video tape him (which by the way he had been begging me to do!)

Thursday, April 22, 2010

Friday night at the Discovery Center!

It was kids night or school night or something at the Discovery Center, so we got in free. Love the free events!

Sunday, April 18, 2010

Mark's 2 year pictures!

As always, Mark comes through hamming it up for the photographer. He is so fun :) These are just the proofs, so thats the reason for the low resolution. We will have the pictures back on April 30th.

Wednesday, April 14, 2010

Elizabeth is 4 months old!

blowing bubbles :)

I know she turned 4 months on April 3rd, but I haven't had a chance to post since her appointment last week.
She weighs 14 pounds, 6 oz. 60% in everything, so very proportionate. Bigger than both my other kids. :) She's not completely rolling over as much as Mark was or Lily, but she's laughing & grasping at items. She knows how to roll over, she just doesn't like to be on her stomach at all. She is such a drama queen! I just love how they have personality even so young!

Wednesday, April 7, 2010

My Handsome Man :)

(taken by Reno)

Poor Mark is cutting his molars as of yesterday. He is not feeling the best and we had very little sleep last night.

Monday, April 5, 2010

Happy Easter!

Mark & Elizabeth at church...I tried sending these from my phone, but some didn't go through. I hope everyone had a wonderful Easter!

Lily's 1st baseball game!

We were all excited to be there for Lily's first game!

Elizabeth was really happy until she got too hot...

Mark giving mommy a heart-attack as he leaps off of the little bump over and over.

Copying his big sissy...

He loves his big wheel!

She got a hit!

She did such a great job! They won their first game and had a lot of fun.

Good Friday at Grandma & Grandpa's

Sleeping Elizabeth

Lily & Mark are playing with the tube the awning came in

Lots of fun dying eggs! And look at poor Mark's burned arm. Ouch!