My Crazy Family

My Crazy Family
photo taken by Reno Morgan

Friday, July 30, 2010

Mark getting his hand caught in the cookie "jar"

These are blurry iphone pictures, but I had to share. He pushed the chair over and got in the cupboard to get the cookies down.

Tuesday, July 27, 2010

Had to remove a video...

One of Lily's jazz routine videos became very popular quickly from 50 some views from our family and friends to over 8000 views with comments made by strangers, therefore I have unlisted this video. So if you want to see this video you can view it with this link but it won't be shown under my account. :)

Good Night!

Elizabeth's very first sick visit at the Dr.

We are so very lucky to say that today was E's first trip to the Dr as a sick baby. Having her home with Camila has saved me on so many dr visits, antibiotics & days off work. She didn't make it through the last plague that went thru the Morgan household, but the worst of it for her came in the shape of an ear infection. Hugs to my sweet little girl!
P.S. just about 8 months old and 18 1/2 pounds

Saturday, July 24, 2010

Another Saturday at the Morgans...

Elizabeth is doing such a great job pulling herself up! Won't be long before she's walking. It registered 107 degrees today in Murfreesboro, so we opted to stay indoors. There is a local community center with an indoor pool. Here are some pictures from our fun day!

A little girl had a lot of fun with Elizabeth.

'Sup? she says...

Always with a cheese face :)

And never does things the conventional way. Don't tell him he can't swim, he won't listen. I think it's time for swim lessons...

Saturday, July 17, 2010

Happy Saturday!

Not much happened today. We stayed home and had an "inside" day of watching movies and taking naps. Sometimes its nice to have a day like that :)

Here are two videos of Mark & Elizabeth playing. You can see how sweet Mark is to his baby sister.

I hope everyone had a great day!

moved Elizabeth to the floor...Mark was so sweet being so concerned that she was going to fall off the bed.

Thursday, July 8, 2010

A couple of photos...

Mark says "Say Cheese!"

Elizabeth having fun at the Waffle House :)

Monday, July 5, 2010

July 5th

Today we enjoyed a walk around Radnor Lake & some scenic drivign with Jill. It was HOT today so we stayed inside as much as possible :)

Happy 4th of July!

We had a great time with Grandma & Grandpa at McKnight Park again! This time the weather was nice to us and allowed us to stay the whole time. We had a great picnic, had some fun playing games & watched the great fireworks show. We hope everyone had a great 4th! xoxo

Thank you for the pictures, Reno!

More pictures from Reno...

Friday, July 2, 2010

Who's who? or rather who is bigger?

So we have Elizabeth at 7 months, Mark at 9 months & Lily at 9 months. :) Is E leading the pack? I think so...I just love her cheeks!
I caught Mark's bronchitis, so that took me out of pocket for another week of posting. I'm terrible...I know! I'm so sorry I'm not keeping everyone updated. This weekend is 4th of July, so we are very excited to share it with Jim, Reno, Jill & Camila. This will be a great 4th!
I will get everyone to take good pictures for me :)
Happy 4th, Everyone!!!