My Crazy Family

photo taken by Reno Morgan
Friday, November 29, 2013
A few random pictures
Lily had her first band concert and did very well. A few birthday parties & family pictures later and we are almost at the end of the month!
I'm thankful for each and every one of you. Thank you all for continuing to follow my family. We love you!
Tuesday, November 19, 2013
Delivery service
So, Sunday night I'm walking the puppy and a little black kitten comes over at my neighbors yard. No big deal, hi kitty. I wasn't feeling well and went to bed early. I hear from my wife the next day that there were 2 kittens and Mark had been carrying one of them around until momma finally peeled him away from it. So they decide to feed them on our front porch. Now we have squatters. I swear the animal kingdom is on to us and just dropping animals off now. So we're trying to find out who the owners are or barring that, we'll be finding them a new home.
Monday, November 18, 2013
Stitch graduates!
Well Stitch aced his final and graduated puppy class. Next up will be intermediate, but unfortunately his trainer was promoted and won't be able to train him.
Monday, November 4, 2013
Stitch's puppy class
Stitch is in a puppy class so that he can learn to not pee everywhere and there's another dog that is so similar that they have to be siblings. Her name is Bella.
Fog monster from Ghouls
This is the fog or bog monster on the Haunted Hayride at the zoo. It was looking pretty cool, so I wanted to make sure and get a picture.