My Crazy Family

My Crazy Family
photo taken by Reno Morgan

Thursday, September 11, 2008

Thankful Thursday

Shopping is my therapy. If I am ever stressed out, I will either clean something or go out and buy something. Usually the latter. It makes me feel great to buy a $5 shirt or $10 pair of earrings. It doesn't have to be expensive. And how awesome it is to be able to spend $5 as opposed to $100 in therapy :)

So today I am thankful for the job I have that allows me to buy things. I know sometimes I feel my job responsibilities are a lot for me to handle, but I am extremely grateful that I was given the opportunity to try. I am the Branch Manager for Ajilon Finance and normally a Branch Manager has experience in not only managing but also Sales in this industry. I am NOT a sales person. I couldn't sell ice cream to someone on a hot day. I am amiable...but i am a great supervisor. I am able to lead and get others to follow. I have great tactics and a great business mind. I know what works and what will make someone successful. The only struggle I have is the sales aspect of the job, but I do it. This position is the most difficult in the company because not only do i have to maintain the same activity my staff has, but I also have to manage & participate in conference calls & meetings all week long. On top of all of that I am held responsible if my office doesn't do well. But I am thankful.

Thank you for my job, my life and the people in it.

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