My Crazy Family

My Crazy Family
photo taken by Reno Morgan

Wednesday, October 29, 2008

The Weekend

This weekend was extremely busy for us. Mark was not feeling well, but Jim and I committed to volunteering at the Zoo. We volunteered Friday, Saturday and Sunday. Grandma Judy helped babysit as well as our good friends Laurie & Brent when the zoo asked us last minute to work Sunday evening. We work the hayride which is probably the most popular station during the Halloween event. I was able to get tickets so Carl could take Lily in the zoo on Saturday for free.
I *was going to wear the costume in the pictures a few posts down, but Jim called me about 2 hours prior to me leaving work and told me it was way too cold for that costume. He went and bought me pink sweats and bunny accessories. The picture below was just about the end of that cold night. I was freezing even in my sweats. Saturday I was smarter...I wore 2 pairs of tights underneath as well as 2 long sleeve shirts and long underwear. I was nice and toasty on that 40 degree night.

Costume Lily wore to the zoo...

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