My Crazy Family

My Crazy Family
photo taken by Reno Morgan

Monday, March 30, 2009

Egg Hunt

Mom likes going on egg hunts too!

Mark was sleeping in, so he was able to play with the eggs after Lily found them


Unknown said...

OK I think the last pic of Mark is ADORALBE!!! LOL LILY - man, I just can't get over her!

Susan Drew said...

Hi Courtney, I follow your family through Katie's blog, what a wonderful life you have created! I see and feel so much joy, you are definitely my kind of person- a "glass is half full" which makes for a very positive, fulfilling life, always keep that perspective! Lily is beautiful, and Mark so adorable, he looks just like your mom when she was a baby- and that is a loving compliment! When you come out again, I would love to see you, my life is loosening up, I will finish my Master's project in about 4 days! Hooding is May 22, what a day of celebration that will be!
Aunt Susan