(I am retarded and can't take a picture of my face & tummy, so you get two pictures to prove that's me!)
It's hard to believe I found out just 5 short weeks ago I was expecting. *chuckle* Wow, halfway through already! This is awesome! This pregnancy has been easy peasy so far! Besides my pinched nerve, I'm great! My OB did want me to go see an Orthopedic dr to make sure my nerves were ok, so I did that yesterday and it was confirmed that I do have a pinched nerve, possibly 2. He put me on limited activity and told me I was lucky I didn't damage my nerve by "pushing through the pain" in my last pregnancy. I worked right up until Mom & Dad landed at the airport...this time I may listen and rest when I need to. I am cleared to work full time unless I'm unable to sit for long periods of time. Whew! I need to work as long as I possibly can, so that's good.
That is my update so far. I have a lot of work to do to get the upstairs ready for his/her arrival. We will be finding out the sex of the baby on August 11th @ 2:00 p.m. This is when Jim could get off work. 3 weeks from today. Mark your calendars!
Sooooo adorable!!
Grandma just told Seth... so I ran on here... and saw this! WOW! Congrats! My calendar is marked! Do you guys have a preference as to what you would LIKE to find out? :-) We love you guys!
You're so cute!! YAY!! Can't wait to find out what you two are having!! :)
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