My Crazy Family

My Crazy Family
photo taken by Reno Morgan

Sunday, February 28, 2010

Happy Sunday!

This weekend was very low key for us. On Saturday, Lily had her baseball evaluations. She did such a great job! Jim practiced with her while I waited in line. It wasn't a try-out because every kid makes a team, it just evaluates each one's skills so all the heavy hitters aren't put on one team. It was about 30 degrees and windy during try-outs, but I think she still had a lot of fun.

Today we are vegging and watching movies. Mark woke up from nap and we had a Tom Petty concert on the TV. Here are two videos of Mark & Elizabeth.
Here is Elizabeth talking away and Mark trying to hog all the camera time.
These two videos are of Mark rockin out to Tom Petty. (That's my son!)

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