I have been sick for just about two weeks, but I think I am finally on the mend. I had pneumonia and now pleurisy. My asthma has really kicked into full swing, but I haven't been on oxygen for 24 hours. Yay!
Thank you for all of the get well wishes, cards, flowers and love everyone has sent to me. I know it has helped thru this time.
Jim has been by my side the whole time. I couldn't ask for a better husband. I know Everyone has been worrying so this post is just to make sure everyone knows that I am still alive and doing ok.
It was a really busy August with ball games and baby showers and September is no different. Ball games and weddings and Grandma is coming to visit! We are so excited!!
Thank you all again. I love you all and more posts to come later.
Lots of love.
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