My Crazy Family

My Crazy Family
photo taken by Reno Morgan

Monday, May 17, 2010


Look at these adorable dresses Cindy made for the girls!!!

Chicago Weekend!

While we were in Chicago for a fun weekend, the kids were having fun at Grandparents houses. Lily stayed the weekend with Grandma Cindy & Papa Dave. Cindy was so nice to take her to Build-a-bear for her final hooray for GirlScouts. Here are some pictures Cindy sent me!

We went to Chicago to celebrate Laurie's graduation. We went to Champaign, IL first then headed over to Chicago after. It was great fun!!!
Of course we went to Billy Goat's!

My awesome friends!

Laurie's graduating weekend in was so much fun!

Eating yummy foods

On the train on our way back

Monday, May 3, 2010
He was SO excited to get in that ticket booth then once it turned on it was a different story. :)

Pictures from Reno on Mark's bday

Loving his cake!
Mark says Cheese...can you tell we take a lot of pictures of him from our phone? haha

What a cool present!

He's been pounding away at his present this morning. He loves it!

Sweet baby girl :)
Brother & Sissy loving each other!

Sunday, May 2, 2010
Mark wasn't exactly sure about all the noise, but he still had fun :)

Happy Birthday, Mark!

Happy 2nd Birthday, Mark!!!!

My sweet boy turned 2 today! For those who don't live in Nashville, we are currently under water. There are many cities that are flooded with roads that are shut down. The interstates in and out of Nashville are shut is a bad time right now. I sent everyone a text not to try to come to Mark's party because even the Mayor asked everyone not to leave the house because of the dangers. We took Mark to Chuck E Cheese and let him have a great time! I have videos that I will be uploading soon!