My Crazy Family

My Crazy Family
photo taken by Reno Morgan

Sunday, June 22, 2014


Our whirlwind is finally coming to a close. The activity that takes up about 3-4 days per week every week comes to an end today following the last team party. We ended up having both team parties on the same day thinking that if you clean and decorate for one, it would be easy to add the second with little to no stress. The second party was a sleepover so it's like a 24+ hour party with no downtime. 12-13 year old girls giggling and playing until 3 am then a son who wakes up when the first ray of sunlight touches his face = I need a nap. Hindsight. 

The party is still going on at this moment, but Since I'm a terrible blogger I am taking my two minutes of downtime to give this update. 


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