My Crazy Family

My Crazy Family
photo taken by Reno Morgan

Tuesday, February 9, 2010

Monday Night 2/8/10

Another snow storm going through Murfreesboro. This one hit really fast and in 20 minutes our ground & roads were covered. Lily went to Girlscouts last night and Mark enjoyed the snow coming down. The flakes were the size of silver dollars. Here is a picture of Mark & Jim trying to catch the flakes in their mouths.
Some of you were having issues with my uploaded videos on here, so I'm trying youtube to see if it's better. He is a video of Mark rushing out when he saw the snow coming down. You'll notice he doesn't have a coat on, but for us it really wasn't that cold, so don't call me a bad mom just yet. Haha. I made him put a coat on after taking this video.

I take the pictures, but do not enjoy being cold, so the pictures are always from the doorstep and I enjoy my time in the nice warm house :)
The snow is very pretty. As quick as it came and covered, it was gone by the morning and Lily had to go to school. Boo.

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