My Crazy Family

My Crazy Family
photo taken by Reno Morgan

Wednesday, October 15, 2008

How is it Wednesday Already??

Wow! Every week seems to go by that much quicker than the last!

Happy Wednesday Everyone!

Last night Lily had a girl scout meeting. I'm not sure if I mentioned before, but I was almost begged to help out as a leader, so I was there with her. I taught them about friendship and how important it is to be a good friend. We made friendship bracelets and gave them homework to find a lonely child at school and befriend them. They will be earning the Friends are Fun patch at the next meeting. Jim thinks I kind of took over the meeting, but Tammy seemed to want me to be the talker. :) At least i was having fun!

Tonight I will be helping Lily clean her room (yes I'm a pushover) Honestly she did a good job, but I'm just sick of things being on the floor. I want her to focus on her school work and I'll take care of her room during the week. That's how I look at it anyway.

This weekend I'm throwing a Halloween Party! I need to get the kids and Jim a costume for it. Should be a fun time!

Not much else going on here!

Time to sign off and let corporate take over my computer for an hour.

Love to all!

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